About Lee Ryan
Since 1991, Lee Ryan Miller has taught political science and economics at various colleges and universities in the United States and Japan. He studied at Brandeis University, Oxford University, and Middlebury College, and he received a Ph.D. from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). He has lived and worked in Europe and Asia, as well as in many different cities in the United
States, providing substantial inspiration for many works of fiction and nonfiction.
Lee has written two political science books,
two epic fantasy novels
, and Teaching Amidst the Neon Palm Trees, a memoir about his experiences teaching at a community college in Las Vegas. January to May 2003, he sailed around the world as a faculty member on the Semester at Sea program of the Institute for Shipboard Education at the University of Pittsburgh.
Lee is a political science professor at College
of San Mateo in California.
Amidst the
Neon Palm Trees
An exciting true story
Intrigue and Corruption
in Las Vegas.